育碧30周年免费游戏怎么领 12月育碧免费游戏一览

拓展知识 做棵大树 来源:3DMGAME 6年前 (2017-12-06) 2763次浏览 0个评论

育碧 12 月免费游戏列表:

Day 01 (24/11) - Rayman Classic on Mobile

Day 02 (25/11) - 30% off Ubisoft Games

Day 03 (26/11) - Exclusive Collection of E3 2016 Cards

Day 04 (27/11) - Ubi30 Exclusive GIF

Day 05 (28/11) - For Honor GIFs

Day 06 (29/11) - Ubi30 360 Image

Day 07 (30/11) - Just Dance Greeting Card

Day 08 (01/12) - Ubisoft DIY Advent Calendar

Day 09 (02/12) - Steep Wallpaper

Day 10 (03/12) - Exclusive Digital Posters from E3 2016

Day 11 (04/12) - Rabbids Holiday Goodies

Day 12 (05/12) - WWW Wallpaper

Day 13 (06/12) - Ubisoft Cocktail recipes

Day 14 (07/12) - GAME for FREE: Assassin's Creed 3 on PC (+ countdown)

Day 15 (08/12) - Ubisoft Wrapping Paper

Day 16 (09/12) - 300 Game Giveaway

Day 17 (10/12) - Watch_Dogs 2 Wallpaper

Day 18 (11/12) - Ubisoft gift tags

Day 19 (12/12) - Ubisoft Dessert recipes

Day 20 (13/12) - Ghost Recon GIFs

Day 21 (14/12) - Wallpaper for mobile

Day 22 (15/12) - GAME for FREE: Prince of Persia on PC (details soon)

Day 23 (16/12) - GAME for FREE: Rayman Legends on PC (details soon)

Day 24 (17/12) - GAME for FREE: Splinter Cell on PC (+ countdown)

Day 25 (18/12) - GAME for FREE: The Crew on PC (+ countdown)

Day 26 (19/12) - Rayman GIF

Day 27 (20/12) - Steep GIF

Day 28 (21/12) - Exclusive 2017 Digital Holiday Cards

Day 29 (22/12) - Ubi30 Wallpaper

Day 30 (23/12) - Ubisoft Holiday Decorations

育碧 30 周年免费游戏怎么领 12 月育碧免费游戏一览


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